Our Team
Our experienced creative team of designers, web developers, videographers, writers, media buyers, and marketing experts has worked with many clients from diverse industries—medical, automotive, music, entertainment, and recreation—to produce targeted and niche marketing materials that engage current consumers and reach new audiences.

Dan Walding
President and CEO
President/CEO of Bentley-Hall with the benefit of 35 years’ experience in sales, marketing, training, management, and operations with various companies such as Sinclair
Broadcasting, CBS Radio Group, Paramount Stations Group, Fox/CBS Television affiliates, and Verizon Fios. He has worked for Morgan Stanley and held Series 7, 31, and 66 licenses. In addition, Dan has been a consultant for various companies and organizations and is skilled at developing multi-level marketing and advertising programs that generate measurable results at agreed upon returns on investment.
315.422.4488 x 104 dwalding@bentley-hall.com

Jason Emerson
Editorial Director
Jason has been a journalist for more than 20 years, working in newspapers, newsletters, and digital media on daily, weekly, and monthly publication schedules. He also has extensive experience in social media management. Additionally, Jason is an independent
historian and the author or editor of eight books of history (about Abraham Lincoln and his family), dozens of articles in popular magazines and academic journals, and countless book reviews in magazines and journals.
315.422.4488 x 113 jemerson@bentley-hall.com

Chuck Schiele
Creative Director
Chuck possesses a 35+ year background as an award-winning Art/Creative Director, including official recognition by the California State Senate. Noted for a lifelong string of successful national, regional and local campaigns, his scope of expertise includes
concept building, strategy, content creation, print, web, television, radio, market assessment and social media.
315.422.4488 x 105 cschiele@bentley-hall.com
Google Certified: SEO, SEM

Jon Dufort
Web Manager
315.422.4488 x 111 jdufort@bentley-hall.com
Google Certified: SEO, SEM

Paula Pickreign
Digital Content Director
From lighting design in NYC to livestream producing, our director of digital media production has 10+ years of creative design and audio/video editing experience that she would be able to bring to your brand. Paula has a passion for continuously expanding her knowledge in her field and in her life.
315.422.4488 x 106 ppickreign@bentley-hall.com