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Bentley-Hall, Inc. is the publisher of International Musician and Making Music. Our multi-media approach allows you to find the right audience for your product.
Reach professional and recreational musicians with superior content delivered across all platforms: magazine, website, digital subscriber, e-newsletters, and social media.
For more information, please contact Director of Sales
Dan Walding
315-422-4488, ext. 104
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Making Music
Making Music has a unique audience of music hobbyists and recreational musicians. Making Music covers all types of music makers, from beginners to long-time players and teachers, from brass bands to rock and roll, from group keyboard lessons to drum and ukulele circles. Making Music encourages musicians to become more engaged in playing their instruments and to participate in the larger music making community.

OVERTURE Online – is the electronic magazine of Local 47, published on the first of each month and emailed to over 4,500 opted-in professional musicians.
The Local 47 Beat
THE LOCAL 47 BEAT – Bi-monthly official e-newsletter emailed to over 4,500 opted-in professional musicians.